How to Reset Netgear password without CD


Looking for the tutorial on how to reset Netgear password without CD? Read on:

Netgear router is an appropriate device in order to enhance the speed of the internet. This is networking device and always prefer to use and install for the internet service by the users which is so common due to its various features prevent issues while using it. It is so simple to install and uninstall and even it is very easy to add and reset the password in no time.

If someone, unfortunately, forgot the password and he does not have the password reset CD which he gets from the router then there is any other options are available to reset the password without CD. In fact, you can change and reset and even recover the password without CD. If you have some more doubts that how to reset Netgear password without CD then we are here to make you aware of this things thoroughly well.

Sometimes when you try some different new things in which you unable to get success which means you are actually learning something and you must do it. If unable to get success then you can have a kind of help from its technician who fixes the issue promptly.

Here are the simple methods on how to reset the Netgear password withoutCD:

· Open your device and then launch the internet browser and then navigate the IP on the URL address bar.

· Click on the default admin username and password and then click Wireless settings link from the routers to change the dashboard settings.

· If you want to change the name and password you are required to click on the new value from the SSID.

· Click on the password reset option and then it will allow entering the correct old password.

· And then after entering the new password into the both new and confirm password fields finally.

Afterwards, if having any other issue and looking for the assistance to fix the issue soon, immediately visit Netgear router customer service number available all the time in order to resolve multiple issues in no time.

If you want to watch an online demo on how to configure NETGEAR router or if you need quick assistance for Netgear Router not working and remote log-in online Technical Support for NETGEAR Router, then please call the Network Specialists on the given helpline number. The Network Specialists provide online and offline assistance for routers, modems, and other networking equipment.


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